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Rouville Country 2024

The rising star

Don't miss this opportunity to become the first rising star of the Rouville Country festival!

The Rouville Country festival is proud to present

The rising star Rouville Country 2024

During this competition, three singers will try to impress the public and the festival jury in order to win a place on the big top stage on the last day of the festival.

The winner of the competition will actually have the chance to sing with none other than Patrick Norman, living legend of Quebec country music.

Registrations close on August 2: don’t miss this opportunity to become the first rising star of the Rouville Country festival!

Registration details

“The rising star Rouville Country 2024” takes place in three stages:


Registrations close on Friday August 10, 2024.

➜ You must be at least 16 years old as of July 1, 2024 (proof of identity with photo may be requested by the festival team if necessary).

➜ You must be available for the four days of the festival, from August 29 to September 1.

To register, send the following information by email to rouvillecountry@domaineinternationalderouville.com:

  • Your full name and artist name (if applicable)
  • Your date of birth
  • Your phone number
  • A short presentation
  • A 2 to 3 minute video of one of your performances (can be in the form of a YouTube or Wetransfer link)

The festival team will review all applications to ensure they are complete, eligible and meet the required technical standards.

A preliminary selection committee, appointed by the festival team, will view and evaluate the audition videos.

The three people selected as finalists will be notified of the results of the preliminary selection by email shortly after the end of the registration period. Everything will also be announced on the festival's official social networks. The finalists will then be able to begin preparing for their semi-final performance.


From Thursday August 29, 2024 to Saturday August 31, 2024, one per day, one finalist will perform on the main stage of the Rouville Country festival at 6:30 PM.

The order of finalists during the three days of semi-finals will be determined at random.

The finalist must present two (2) songs during a performance of a maximum of 10 minutes.

The finalist must provide an MP3 or WAV type audio stream.

For the sake of fairness, no accompanying musical instruments will be accepted during the semi-final performance. The finalist also cannot be accompanied by one or more musicians. The goal is to be able to fully appreciate the voice of the finalist.

A jury committee, also appointed by the festival team, will be on site during the semi-finals to evaluate the finalists' performances.

After the finalist's performance on Saturday, the jury committee will meet to compare the performances, evaluate the performances according to pre-established criteria and designate a winner from among the three finalists.


The winning finalist will be revealed on site on Sunday September 1st. Please note that the three finalists must be present on site during this day.

The big winner of “The Rising Star Rouville Country 2024” will then get their hands on the grand prize: that of singing a duet with Patrick Norman during his show on Sunday, September 1, 2024.

Conditions of participation

By sending their application for the “Rising Star Rouville Country 2024” competition, the candidate subscribes to the rules and conditions of participation of the competition and the decisions of the jury for the duration of the agreement.

The festival team reserves the right to request any additional information from candidates if necessary.

The order of passage of the competitors is determined by a draw, the terms of which are fixed by the RC.

Release of rights

Les candidat.e.s sont tenu.e.s de libérer, en faveur du festival Rouville Country, tous les droits de captation, de diffusion et d’enregistrement de tous ordres ainsi que les droits de suite, et ce, pour une durée indéterminée.

Les candidat.e.s sont tenu.e.s de se rendre disponibles pour toute entrevue, vidéo et/ou rencontre promotionnelle liée à l’événement dans les semaines précédentes et durant la compétition.

En participant à « L'étoile montante Rouville Country 2024 », vous autorisez le festival Rouville Country à utiliser, exploiter, diffuser, en tout ou en partie, sans limite de territoire ou de durée, votre image et/ou les enregistrements réalisés dans le cadre de la compétition.